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The Power of Plants to Boost Your Wellbeing

The Power of Plants to Boost Your Wellbeing

Let the good thoughts grow: Bringing some tranquility to your experience with us

For those of us who are busy travelling for work, chances are you are not going to get the opportunity to get outdoors. Walls draped in greenery, succulent lined window-sills and potted plants on desks, the idea of the usual office environment is changing and the advantages of office greenery are coming to the forefront. So why let that change when you’re travelling for work? We offer our guests to embrace these advantages and take plants up to your room to bring some nature indoors with you! When you check-in, just pick which one you’d like and take it to your room!


So, what are some of the benefits of introducing some greenery to your workspace?

1) Improve your work performance

Plants produce oxygen which in turn purifies the air around us and helps reduce toxins in your working environment. This is great to boost your productivity and increases concentration & focus, meaning you’ll work better and more effectively throughout the day. Studies show that offices & workspaces that have plants & greenery can improve your overall work performance!


2) Reducing the stress of working from home

Working in a more natural environment can bring out different responses in us than in office environments. Plants make us feel as if we’re away and keep us calm & tranquil, something we all need during these stressful times. While we can’t jet-set off just yet, by bringing this sense of nature into our work-space we can start imagining it! Natural elements can also assist in mental recovery and stress relief when applied to working environments.


3) Helping you enjoy a mindful moment

In such a face-paced environment, when the ping of a notification is the most familiar sound in the world, and the pressure of being online 24/7 can put a huge strain on our well-being. While plants won’t be able to respond to your emails, there are some proven benefits they can provide. Caring for a plant, ensuring it is watered and it is in some good light, can provide a comforting routine and fulfil our human nature to nurture. It is relaxing to have something to slow down for, really taking you away from the world for a few peaceful moments. Besides all that, looking at beautiful things will make you smile, who doesn’t want that?


Ultimately, bringing a humble plant to your room to work may not have huge life-changing effects but can help in your overall wellness. It’s important for those who have to look at the same four walls throughout their working day to have a little bit of escapism, and what better way than to adopt yourself a little plant baby for some time! Including some leafy friends around your workspace is a perfect way to increase productivity and bring some cheer. And plus, adopting one of our plans can simply bring you some happy vibes, which is all that really matters!

Want to see more of our green initiatives? We’ve partnered with 50 Shades of Green to educate our team and become more sustainable & environmentally friendly! Head over to our Instagram @trigonhotelsireland to see what our team are doing to create a more sustainable working environment!

If you are travelling to The Cork International Hotel and you are looking to get set-up with a corporate rate or if you have any special requests, contact our Corpoarate Sales & MICE Manager, Kylie, directly:



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